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Each region of Ukraine has its own unique ornament, preserved for many centuries, handed down from generation to generation, depicted on embroidered shirts, tableware, household items, etc.
The CODE OF NATION on the handmade glass Christmas tree ornaments of the "Donetsk Region" series was designed by Alyona Mamay, who carefully thought through every millimeter of the toy, putting meaning, a part of her soul, and love for Ukraine in every stroke of the brush.
Hop leaves represent love, young enthusiasm and active development. The ornament resembles the symbols of water and grapes and carries part of their meaning. Hops are a wedding symbol, reflecting the flow of life and a young family.
The rose was considered the flower of the sun. It is a symbol of the infinity of life and constant rebirth.
The poppy is a symbol of protection in the broadest sense. It is a symbol of protection from evil forces and also symbolises the blood of the fallen defenders on the battlefield. The girls from the family of the fallen soldier wore garlands of seven poppies, representing their promise to protect and carry on their family.
The main goal of this collection is to preserve the national code, popularise Ukrainian ornamentation and to pass this memory on to their descendants, to teach them to "read" their own true heritage, to bring back the inheritance and the strong and unbroken bond of the family.